Friday, June 02, 2006

Don't try this at home.

You know, sometimes I need a little excitement in my life. Instead of waiting for something exciting to happen, I'd rather create some excitement. I like to do things that will get people to react in true persona (meaning they can't be fake or act untrue), I really want to see what people are really made of. That's why I conduct little social experiments for fun. I do this in public places (like a mall, or park), and also in private places (like work, or a family cookout). Someday my book will be published containing my findings on human conditioning -vs- social consciousness. But until then, I'll give you a few things that I like to do - so you, too, can start experimenting. These are in the category "Things to do that test social limits of accepting insanity." Please try these when you have a chance. It's a hoot!

1. Stand on a chair and yell out "Announcement", then sit back down and say nothing. (this works great in the mall food court, or if you work in a cubicle environment with multiple co-workers.)

2. mumble to yourself in an unknown language. (this could work in a variety of places - especially works well in a movie theatre)

3. go into a restroom stall, ask that someone throw you in a roll of toilet paper, and then come out of the stall wearing the toilet paper as a hat. (works nice at rest stops or largely occupied bathrooms)

4. go into the grocery store or a market and talk to the fruit. Ask the melons if they have been good melons, or bad melons.

5. suddenly stand up and run around in a circle yelling "AHHHH! It burns!!." Then sit back down and pretend you are drinking tea. (try this on public transportation)

Just try any of these. See how people react. Remember: your life is only as fun as you make it.

Peace out bitches, 2% milk and Cheerios, here I come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

7:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

12:05 PM  

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