Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Big Fat Pig

I guess the psychology field is getting bored with the conventional way to test your personality. It can now be tested simply by drawing a pig. You should try it.

I found out from my pig that I am:

*Positive and optimistic (true)
*I believe in tradition, am friendly, and remember birthdays, etc.. (I can't even remember my own birthday...but I love traditions, and I'm friendly, so this one is 2/3rds ok.)
*I am emotional and naive, I care little for details, and am a risk taker (all true, except, sometimes I like details...)
*I am secure, stubborn, and stick to my ideas (100% accurate)
*I am a good listener (i think so)
*I have a large "wow" sex life (now, I don't know what this has to do with personality, but they might be close on this one!)

So all of that they found out by my drawing a pig. I wonder what would happen if I drew an elephant! WHOA!! ZING!! (insert cheesy drumfill here).

If you want to see my drawing of a pig, please click here.

If you don't want to see my pig, then you have hurt my feelings and I am now crying...

Seriously...I'm weeping, curled up in the fetal position in the corner of a room, with a kleenex full of my own "crying snot". C'mon...don't don't know what crying snot is??? Oh my god! It's completely different from regular "I've got a cold" snot, but sorta similar to "I just came in from outside and it's 10 degrees" snot. Maybe I'll post a blog about the different kinds of snot there are...

Peace out, bitches....Sam Adams here I come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

7:26 AM  

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