Tuesday, February 21, 2006

From the ADP blurbs collection - PART I

This is something I wrote while working at ADP in 2003...
(for those of you who do not know - ADP is a call center where people call in their payrolls for their businesses.)

So it's nearing the end of the day for ADP and I'm left with a feeling of udder sadness. CHA! Whatever!. I need to make some more money. If there was one great thing that happened today, it was getting to talk to my favorite payroll client...company code IPP. And their first employee's name is Hei Ho. Someone of foreign descent I would assume. I pee pee from laughter everytime I do this payroll. I really like what I do, but it's boring sometimes. 10 minutes and counting. Phone is ringing......

16:45 pm - "Um....is it too late to call in a payroll?"

"Not yet" I said happily, expecting to take a short payroll.

"Oh. Well, let me get my time cards from the boys, and cal back in four minutes"

*CLICK* (did this ass just hang up on me?)

I swear, if I get this jackass when he calls back, I'm going to tell him the cut off was 2 minutes prior to his call and he'll have to wait an extra day for his fucking paychecks. Dickhead.

Hanging up on people is the rudest. God, if I had a way to electrically shock everyone that does that - I would be so happy, I might just pee myself. Uhhhh. Abbra Cadabra! - nope - didn;t work. I have nothing more to talk about. Sam Adams, here I come...


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