Tuesday, February 21, 2006

From the ADP blurbs collection...PART II

something else I wrote while at ADP....

Mean people suck. Just like the stickers say. Working in a call center has changed my views on people in general...

ring, ring......

"I'm mad, I want attention and sympathy...I'm in the wrong but I'm blaming you....I'm going to get real mad....blah, blah, blah......I'm going to pee my pants.....I want a supervisor....WAHHHH!!"


Just calm down and be nice, and everything will be fine. What's that saying..."to err is human", right? Well, I've got an addendum: "to err is human....to be rude is to expect to be told to shut the fuck up." Thanks.

Boredom.(N). Definition: to think about what you would be drinking if you could leave work early. Look it up in the dictionary and it says: "See finger in ass."

Hey. What about that nice little phrase "Have a nice day."? O.K.... but where does that leave me tomorrow? Do you want today to be nice and tomorrow to suck for me? Geez...
I wish I could write all day. re:boredom.

I'm not angry anymore, by the way. It's all out of my system. Now I just wish it was 5 o'clock and I could go home and have a beer.

Do you ever have a song stuck in your head and can't get it out? I think that when you see vagrants, homeless, and crazy people on the street talking to themselves - this is the cause of their situation. The root of their demise. They just haven't found a way to get it out.
"Abbra, abrra cadabra......I wanna reach out and grab ya..."
Fuck!! Ahhhhh!! I can't get it out!!!

Peace out, bitches...Sam Adams here I come.


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